West Bengal should be called as STOP Bengal.Here are my own reasons why I think so..
1) Girls are so beautiful that they can STOP your heartbeat. (It’s always better to start on a positive note).
2) West Bengal taught Ratan Tata the real use of his Surname. He was told tata bye bye and had to STOP his Nano plans. Mamta di almost renamed the car as NO-NO car.
3) Audience at Eden garden can STOP a cricket match if India is losing or Dada gets out.
4) 5 people with Red flag in their hands can STOP traffic at Howrah Bridge demanding an apology from the Central government because they said Neta ji Was a great leader. Neta ji is still alive, at least Bengalis think so!!
5) Bengal found the answer to the question; every science fiction movie tries to answer. Who will win the battle between Man and Machines? Jyoti Babu answered it long back by STOPping all machines at 3000 industries in West Bengal. Hail Humanity.. Machines must lose.
6) You are frustrated because your company does not give you much holidays. Ask for a transfer to Kolkata and STOP worrying about leaves. You will get at least 7 days more leaves than any other cities. There are special holidays called Bengal Bandhs here, which every Bengali celebrates staying at home and enjoying. I don’t know why they call it Bharat bandh while it’s only Bengal who follows it religiously.
7) Youth STOP playing any sports and join a KLAAB (club) nearby after passing 10th. They are responsible for arranging for huge loudspeakers in your locality to make you listen to Bangla Mala D’s (melodies) during Durga Puja. Rest of the time, they plan for arranging Puja, Adda and Jatra. Are you thinking how they earn their Roji-Roti. FYI: They never eat roti. They eat Bhat and Machh!! That’s too Machh!!!
8) Finally underground Metro trains at Kolkata are learning to STOP between stations (almost everywhere) from their counterparts running on roads above ground.
9) Last but not the least but worst for sure: Don’t know who told the train drivers not to stop even when a herd of elephants is crossing a railway track. They are getting killed every day. Railway authorities : Please listen to us Indians ( if you can!!).. STOP STOP STOP!!!
© Shekhar Suman
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