Wednesday, July 11, 2018

What did MBA do to us?

What did MBA do to us?

1)      We are older by 2 years.

2)      We are poorer by at least a million rupees.

3)      We are heavier by 8 Kg.

4)      We know 20 more subjects, which we are poor at.

5)      We went through a schedule severe than 3rd degree for the MBA degree

6)      We learnt that Teacher’s Day is on 5th September but Teacher’s Night can be any calendar night.

7)      We learnt, if you are asleep at 2 AM in the night, you are not social. Sleeping in class is cool.

8)      We learnt that lying and fooling people about a thing is also called selling.

9)      We learnt that case studies tell you how some Asshole got lucky and successful by sheer chance, and then another asshole related success to some management fundas.

10)    We learnt that preparing project reports is mandatory. Reading even your own report is optional. We have buttons for Copy (CTLR+C), Paste (CTLR +V). Ever wondered why there is no shortcut for reading like (CTLR+R)? Simple... reading is never that needed!!

11)   We learnt that creating presentations is similar to making animation movies. It’s your animations and special effects that are going to tickle the audience. Content is a far secondary required thing. Nobody is listening to you. They are waiting for you to finish.

But it gave us friends for a life time and a confidence to conquer the world. And for this, we paid a really small price as above mentioned points. MBA is more than a degree. It is an experience.  What an experience!! Love you all fellow SCMHRDians!! God Bless our alma mater..

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