Wednesday, July 11, 2018

10 M's that Matter in Our Indian Politics - Part 2

4)      Majhab: On the most unfortunate Ms of Indian politics. It is the religion or Majhab. Arguably Jinnah can be termed as the pioneer of the politics based on Religion. He started all the discussions by giving two nations theory a deadly political looks. The religion took more than a million innocent lives during partition, resulted in 3 separate nations and spilt mentality of Hindus and Muslims. Later on in post independence era likes of Bal Thackeray, LK Advani and VHP used the religious sentiments for making a political ground for themselves. Babbri Masjid case remains the darkest chapter of Indian politics. The aftershocks are still seen in riots like Mumbai riots, Gujarat Riots and Meerut riots. Certainly the worst M of Indian politics.

5)      Muflisi: Muflisi or Poverty is the biggest issue or bait our politicians have used over last sixty years. There have been fancy slogans like “Garibi hatao”, “Congresss ka haath... Aam aadmi ke saath”. Needless to say the impact these slogans had at the people living at the bottom of the pyramid was as ephemeral as the pandals that are created during the elections , sitting at which our politicians shout these slogans. Come every election, our political parties’ leaders and their followers get their extended photo shoots hugging a dirty kid in slums, or eating a roti saag at some widows’ house that is waiting for compensation after her former husband committed suicide. Garibs or poor are necessary in almost every election, so that our leaders have topics to talk about. Film Rajneeti captures these oldest running gags of our Indian politics in following dialogue “Raajneeti mein murdon KO gaada nahin jaata, unhein zinda rakha jaata hai... taaki samay aane per who bolein”). Loosely translated as some issues are necessary to be kept unsolved. Unfortunately Poverty is just one of them.

6)      Mafia: Story of Mafia in our Indian politics is nothing less interesting than any science fiction. You must have seen science fictions how an evil scientist creates a monster to help him conquer the world. Later on, the monster itself becomes so powerful that he starts to dream about ruling the world itself. Our politicians started using goons for winning elections and in return of that they provided goons police protection and money. Those were called Bahubalies. Our politicians went to the corridors of power, while their bahubalies worked for them in their consistencies. Later on, these bahubalies became unsatisfied with the share of booty they got; they decided to get the complete booty themselves. So they plunged into politics and became leaders themselves. What happened next is history. Today we have almost 30-35% of our legislatives with serious criminal cases pending against them. Unlike our science fiction movies, where the monster is killed at the last, the real life version apparently has no such happy ending.

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