Wednesday, March 2, 2022

When the chips are down!!

It's sad but it's true that human history is history of wars. It's sad but it is reality. War changes the course of civilization. War is like an x-ray, it shows the real face of so called Humanity. It takes off the mask which society wears during the gap between the wars also called peace time.

The war is the biggest man made tragedy our civilization sees. Apart from the destruction, it also exposes our hypocrisy. Take an example of Ukraine Russia conflict. It shows a mirror to all of us.

It shows a mirror to Western world whose racism is out in open. They are crying and crying because the refugees have white skin and blue eyes. Even in war zone, help seekers with any Non- white skin tone are finding it difficult to get help and support from the West. Glaring Example is situation on Poland border.

It shows a mirror to peace keeping agencies like UN and US who take pride in calling themself a protector of democracy. After giving all false promises to Urkraine about support and safety , all help to Urkraine is limited to tweets and press conferences. Best they have done it to strip Putin of his honorary black belt.

It shows a mirror to Europe. They all have their mouth shut becuase Russia is major supplier of gas and commodities to them. Had there been an attack of any eurorpean in Africa or South east Asia, all these BBC's and CNN's would have cried as if a war has been there is an actual work they are evaluating every word every sentence before they utter anything about Urkraine.

It shows a mirror to us Indians. We have found a way to fight among ourselves on the basis of what is happening in Kiev. So everything we utter is according to their agenda. Our intellectuals are worried if Urkranian war will affect UP election results. 

It shows a mirror to world. All those illusion of a humanity , fraternity and all those fancy words, no one cares about them when most needed. It all about what there for me? It's all about money, stupid!!

War shows a mirror to humanity how frivolous it is. Those opposing Putin are those who would have opposed him anyway. Those supporting him were already supporting him before. So their support is based on their own prejudices and interests. There is no case independent judgement or any honest effort to understand both sides. All we hear are prejudice colored arguments and logics which won't stand for a second in court of truth.

Those who are not speaking and are neutral, are busy with managing their portfolios and discussions with their fund managers.

It makes me ponder if any quote is nearer to truth than what joker says to Batman in the movie " The dark Knight"..

"You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve. -The Joker"


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