Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Happy women's day!!

Unless you are living under a rock or belong to Pyongyang, I am sure you must have seen this picture atleast hundred times today. My personal count is more than 150+. Over FB timelines, Twitter, Whatsapp groups, status, insta stories , wherever you see this picture is there. Now when the dust has settled for women's day, I thought why not look at at this picture little more closely

This pic has every wrong messaging which can be sent on women's day. First about the picture of the women on it. It is not a real woman picture. Instead this is the picture which cosmetic companies sells and portray as an ideal woman. The Barbie doll figure . An hour-glass figure decided by men for women as an ideal figure. This defeats the whole purpose of celebrating women's day if we still carry the dogma it was supposed to fight.

And the list of dogma and prejudice still continues in the picture where word  woman has been deciphered as an acronym. You look into the definition and you will see the rules and long list of expectations society has from women..W stands for wonderful wife.. Ha ha.. Just think the definition of a wonderful wife society has and you will start seeing what's wrong in this picture. If you are not a wonderful wife, W is omitted and what remains is O-MAN!! 

If you go through the rest of the acronym definition, you will realise it's nothing but a long list of expectations and standards men set for women.. you are a woman only if you are wonderful, outstanding, marvellous, adorable and Nurturing.. and we will decide whether you are wonderful, outstanding or marvellous or not. It's a trap. It's like wishing Happy women's day with a star mark * pointing you to *'Conditions apply' section. And the conditions section has nothing but all the prejudices which a patriarchal society craves for.

Dear ladies, please decide for yourself. You must have experienced in your life that flattering seldom shares any ground with truth and reality. And this picture is full of flattering and bullshit. 


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