Sunday, December 5, 2021

A Dead horse and MBA

An uneducated person when discovers that he is riding a dead horse, 
the best strategy he follows is to dismount. 

MBA graduate, however, often try other strategies because they are highly educated..
These include...
1. Buying a stronger whip.
2. Changing riders.
3. Saying things like, "This is the way we always have ridden this horse".
4. Appointing a committee to study the horse.
5. Arranging to visit other sites to see how they ride dead horses.
6. Increasing the standards to ride dead horses.
7. Appointing a tiger team to revive the dead horse.
8. Creating a training session to increase our riding ability.
9. Comparing the state of dead horses in today's environment.
10. Change the requirements declaring that, "This horse is not dead".
11. Hire contractors to ride the dead horse.
12. Harnessing several dead horses together for increased speed.
13. Declaring that, "No horse is too dead to beat."
14. Providing additional funding to increase the horse's performance.
15. Do a Cost Analysis Study to see if contractors can ride it cheaper.
16. Purchase a product to make dead horses run faster.
17. Declare the horse is now "better, faster and cheaper."
18. Form a quality circle to find uses for dead horses.
19. Revisit the performance requirements for horses.
20. Say this horse was procured with cost as an independent variable.
21. Promote the dead horse to a supervisory position.
22. Setting up weekly review meeting to see if dead horse is gradually coming back to life.

23. Setting up a war room for aggressive whipping and its proper feedback.

24. Switching to agile mode of whipping instead of waterfall mode of whipping.

25. Telling the dead horse about the incentives if he starts running

26. Annoucing up an IPO to sell the dead horse. 

27. Declaring the horse will come to life if AI, Blockchain and machine learning techniques are used.
28. Allowing the dead horse to work from home so that it can have a better work life balance.
29. Asking dead horse to attend team building activities held by HR team so that he can be motivated.

Which one have you used?


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