Sunday, May 15, 2022

Buddha : The Yogi

If we notice Bhagwan Buddha's statues or paintings, we can see that he is depicted as a very handsome, well built person, having almost a perfect physique. These are described as the "32 signs of a great man". Apart from this, Buddhist texts describe another 80 characteristics of a perfect man. 
Though the first statue of Bhagwan Buddha was built at least 500–600 years after his death, it is believed that these statues were built based on earlier available texts on his appearance. Buddha is invariably depicted as a healthy, handsome man, regardless of the school of art or source of description of his physical appearance.

If we consider Buddha's lifestyle, he lived a very austere life. surviving on alms, whatever is received during the day. Eating one meal a day Buddhist texts describe how he used to sleep only an hour a day. With this much food and rest, he still used to walk for 30-40 km a day and address his disciples for hours every day. It leaves me wondering how one can remain so healthy with such a hard lifestyle.

 The only possible answer I can think of is that Bhagwan Buddha had reached the pinnacle of yogic practises where he had attained full control of his body functions. This is a stage where a yogi gets full control of their hunger, libido, sleep, and other bodily functions. If you look closely, you'll notice that none of the Buddha statues have a moustache or a beard. It's very hard to imagine that he shaved daily given the ascetic lifestyle he had . If we take the liberty to extend the effects of his yogic prowess, we may imagine that he had so much control over his body that he even controlled the growth of facial /body hair. 

Even Buddhist texts contain accounts of how Buddha announced his own death and was aware of his death time. This can only be possible at the highest level of yoga and meditation. We may believe that Buddha was first a yogi before becoming the Buddha as the world knows him. Look at any of his statues. That mysterious smile and a glow /calmness on his face can only come via Yoga. 

Good wishes on Buddha Purnima. 

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