Friday, May 28, 2021

Disaster management lessons from Ants

Ants are one of the most fascinating creatures we have around us. Their hardwork and persistence are stuff of legends. They can teach a lot to us humans when it comes to life lessons.

After a downpour due to Yass cyclone for around 2 days, life went haywire for most of humans in eastern part of India. Imagine what would have happened to the ants. Total destruction of their homes and colonies. It's must have felt like D day for them. What happened to them is not important, it's important how they dealt with it. Within 12 hours, they rebulit their homes, colonies, highways and rescue work is on till business as usual is stored.
I was fascinated with the details with the structure they have bulit. Though my camera might not have captured every minute details, what I could see were structure similar to highways, underpass, bridge, bunkers, makeshift colonies, temporary granaries and what not. All these were built overnight after rains stopped. Around 5 pm yesterday. 

‌We don't need University education to learn these. Mother nature can teach us every thing. Wish we had more time and attention to attend these classes.

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