Saturday, January 30, 2021

Let him bee...

Let me tell you a sweet story about bees and bears.. Bees are the one who gather pollen from thousands of flowers, fly across miles, deposit their booty in their comb and make honey. They keep on working their life long, keep making honey, construct new colonies and die working tirelessly.

Compare them to bears. Bears eat and eat. They sleep, my pardon.. they hibernate, i.e. they can sleep for months.. for sleeping such long times, they need loads of energy and food. Guess from where they get this enormous energy of supply for their glutton appetite ? From honey combs.. same honey which bees gather. Honey that has been gathered over a full season can be eaten by a bear in minutes..

Now let's talk about the public perception of bees and bears. Bears are cute.. you get toys called teddy bears for kids and young girls to cuddle. Same people run away from bees because they sting. No one gets a bee toy and bees rank lowest in cuteness index. No one remember their contribution while passing judgement on them.

So in case you feel treated like bees that someone else takes all fruits of your hard labor and you are seen as the one who stings.. while the one plundering your credit gets hugs and cuddles and is called cute. Don't blame anyone, all you have to do is to fly to greener pastures in search of valley of flowers and continue doing work. In case you wait for the same treatment which bears get, let me tell you, your wait is going to last till eternity. And in case you are the bear, thank your stars. Though it is not in your nature to be thankful, but knowing the reality helps sometimes.

Even in human generations, there are two three 'Bee' generation and then one generation comes which is a 'Bear'. This bear generation eats all the honey, destroys the colony and coming generations doesn't have any choice be bees again. That's the eternal cycle that goes on in almost every sphere of life. So next time you find a boring non descript person, keeping to himself, bad at making pleasant conversation and who often stings if you cut his path, let him be.. May be he is the bee working for bears like you. It's better for whole system to exist. Let him bee.. 

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