Saturday, March 11, 2023

Exploitative Private Schools

In India, private schools are engaging in dishonest business practices that go unchecked by society. These schools dictate which stores parents must buy books, uniforms, notebooks, notebook covers, and shoes from. Additionally, they require students to purchase new books and uniforms every year, rendering last year's purchases useless. These items are sold at exorbitant prices, and the schools dictate when and where parents can buy them, forcing them to take time off work and wait in long lines to be exploited.

These schools blatantly disregard rules designed to prevent black market activities and monopolies. They are not truly in the business of education and should not be allowed to operate under the guise of a temple of learning or a minority institution. As someone who has attended government schools, I may be biased against these exclusive private schools and their exploitative practices. However, it seems impossible to justify their unethical behavior.

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